Social Listening : Dutch Bros
Dutch Bros is a company that I am familiar with and enjoy. I got coffee from them this morning, and they always make you feel comfortable and try and have a conversation with you. This is usually taken one of two ways: either you are turned off by this extreme friendliness or you appreciate it and it makes your day a little bit better. And it's not just me- it seems like most everyone likes it there. And they strive to make people like them, that is part of their Value Proposition. They want to make it feel like the barista is your best friend and that you guys are hanging out, drinking coffee, and listening to maybe too loud music. Not only are they selling their overpriced coffee and other drinks, but they are also selling an experience.

People have differing opinions on Dutch Bros. Most people like them, and since they do nice things for the community, they typically get pretty good media and reviews from customers. They do a lot of fundraisers and collaborations, like raising money for a local police officer, and a different local police sector hanging out there to promote the station. They also recently partnered with TSG Consumer to expand. Some people, like @Lorecsi of Twitter, believe that the drinks are overhyped for what they are.
Dutch Bros have a nicely well thought out marketing plan. Each stand is separate and has their own unique marketing plan and ideas, but they all come together and makes you know they are all one company. The most recent marketing ploy they are doing is the pink lids/ water bottles for breast cancer. They are all over every dutch bro's Instagrams and Twitters. This brand faces the risk of not seeming unanimous because they are all separately owned, but they seem to face it well, even with pictures taken by others as you can see in @tammy_bailey's post.
If I was the brand manager I would be delighted to see the positive photos people post of the drinks and the workers post on the stand's personal Instagrams. I would, however, try to offer better options. If the customer did not like their drink, I would try and offer an alternative to continuing to build a good name for the brand. All in all, I learned quite a bit from researching the Dutch Bro's media marketing. As I was looking at different Instagrams, I realized that I was following multiple different dutch bros accounts without even knowing. They all seem to be so coherent and that is probably due to a great marketing plan sent out by the company to the different stands. I now know that no matter how much marketing you produce, it is essential to have a fantastic marketing plan if you want to have your name be consistent.
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