Introducing Me

   My name is Hannah Johns, and I am in this class because I am a marketing and business admin major. It is a requirement for my major, but also it just seemed like a really interesting class. I am excited to learn about marketing in a way that I haven't been taught before and to build my profile that I could actually use in the real world. Learning about applying my marketing knowledge to the real world is what I am looking forward to much.

   Outside of school and my sorority, I am passionate about charity work and event planning. These, I believe, can go hand in hand. In high school I was a cheerleader, and my coach was a wedding planner. Since I was her right hand on the team, I was always the first person she would come to asking for help with weddings. I would work with her behind the scenes and I always loved at the end of the night right before we started cleaning up, looking and seeing all the smiling faces in the crowd of people, usually dancing to loud music, truly happy. I had always wanted to go into something that pleased people but I didn't know what I wanted to go into until that moment. 

   My first year of college I took an event planning class, thinking it would be fun. It was building and planning an event for the local food bank from the ground up, gathering local businesses for a one night food fair. We got over fifty local restaurants to donate their time and money to come to our event and have a booth that served tastes of their food. Aptly, it was called "Taste of the Valley". And it was a huge success. We raised thousands of dollars for the local food bank and had a great time doing it. This class is what made me interested in dong charity work and doing what I can to help behind the scenes to promote charities and their events and fundraisers. 


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